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Energy reading healing chakras emotions traumas healing holism 3
Energy reading healing chakras emotions traumas healing holism 2
Energy reading healing session treatment chakras healing emotions blockages limiting beliefs

Energy reading
& healing

Energy reading healing session treatment chakras healing emotions blockages limiting beliefs

What is Energy reading & healing?

This special healing session at soul level brings insights and answers that are appropriate and healing for your current situation and life path. Throughout our lives we experience countless emotions, some of which we sometimes cannot understand and process. These are stored in our body on a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual level. Often we are not even aware of this. An energetic healing helps to balance the energy within you so that there is room for the love and purity within you. The healing supports growing in self-love, self-compassion and strengthens self-development.

During the reading I start by reading your aura for your general energetic well-being. Then I will tune into the chakras. Chakras are energy wheels in your body that ensure that life energy can flow freely. There can often be a blockage due to an obstacle or belief that presents itself as an obstacle in someone's life. I intuitively receive which chakra my attention should be focused on. 

Here I identify cords that prevent you from reaching your full potential and living your life to the fullest. This may be due to an experience or trauma from your youth, more recently or perhaps even a previous life, which means that your energy is not allowed to flow and that it creates limiting beliefs in you, for example: "I am not good enough, I am not allowed to receive love, I am not allowed to speak out." These unconscious beliefs have wrongly become lodged in your system. With your approval, I will remove this after which I will give you a new belief with which you can experience your life from your full consciousness and realize your full potential.

kunt benutten.

After and sometimes even during the treatment you can immediately experience a difference. It is very personal what someone experiences, energy is set in motion at deeper layers of consciousness and at soul level, sometimes it can take a few days or even weeks.

Energy reading & healing is for you if you

  • feel stuck in your life, work or relationship

  • have difficulty choosing for yourself or expressing yourself

  • suffer from insecurities

  • lack (self)love

  • experience repetitive patterns in your life that require attention

  • experience certain physical complaints that you cannot directly relate

The treatment

You may sit on a comfortable chair in my studio. The session can also take place entirely online via Zoom. Prior to the reading, there will be a short conversation in which we will discuss the reason or request for help for your visit. I tailor the treatment to your needs as best as possible.

After the short opening of the reading you may close your eyes and relax completely to open yourself to the energy exchange. I tune into your aura and chakras and I understand what I can focus on. After I have made my findings, I will discuss them with you to find starting points and proceed with the removal of the limiting belief, after which we will jointly introduce a new belief.

After the treatment, we will discuss what your experience was like and how the findings will change your life, including practical tips.

An Energy reading & healing session can bring you:

  • Insights for your questions

  • Chakra& #39;s balancing so that your life energy can flow freely

  • Recovering focus and energy in your life

  • Recovering your self-love and confidence

  • Realization of your desires by removing obstacles

  • Breaking free from unwanted patterns

  • Release your full potential

For everyone the treatment will bring exactly what they need at that moment. 

Yes, I want this!

Green Plant

“Most persons are so absorbed in the contemplation of the outside world that they are wholly oblivious to what is passing on within themselves.”

― Nikola Tesla

Holistic Healing Arek

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